Ruwac Verkaufsberater im Kundengespräch

From experience always well advised from A to Z

What, when, where and for how long? These are the questions that have to be answered about the suction material. So to find the most accurate solutions possible for the task at hand, you need comprehensive knowledge of materials, technology and production. From aerosol to ignition source, our more than 30 sales consultants are ready to answer all your questions. In doing so, you will be advised exclusively on site. Only if we know exactly what the production conditions are in your specific case can we take into account all the factors that are crucial for developing the optimum suction solution.

Based on our detailed analysis, we then design your individual solution and present it on site. And it doesn't necessarily have to be complicated. Thanks to our efficient modular principle, we can put together the right device from a wide range of existing components and present it to you in person - without obligation, of course.

And if you have a very special task for us, our development department will be happy to design a genuine Ruwac one-off for you. Just ask your mobile decision maker!

Just find your mobile decision maker!

We will be happy to assist you with advice and support - just contact us.

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